The (3D Printing) Force is with Disney

carbon freeze meDisney has always been on the forefront of new technology, whether it be for rides in their amusement parks or effects and animation in their movies. And now they are embracing 3D printing as well.

For this year’s Star Wars Weekends opening May 18, Disney World will offer to 3D scan and 3D print visitors to the park, and place their faces into a Hans Solo style figurine. They call this the Carbon-Freeze Me experience, which is part of our “D-Tech Me” line that uses technology to take personalization to a whole new level.

At the Carbon-Freezing Chamber, multiple cameras will capture images of your face from different angles. A computer will convert these into a three dimensional image, and then output to a 3D printer your likeness in the face of a 3D, 8 inch figurine. You won’t get to see your casting there, but in four weeks you’ll receive it at your home, where can hang it on a wall, just like the gangster Jabba the Hutt did in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi.

Each carbonite figurine is $99.95, plus shipping. Additional figurines are $74.95 each.

But don’t just show up — reservations are required and can be made by calling 407-WDW-TECH (407-939-8324).

Source: Disney Parks


Reader Ricky Brigante wrote me to tell me he video’d his experience with the Carbon Freeze Me experience at Walt Disney World. Thought I’d share it with you:

  • Luis Rodriguez

    Forefront, we do this at Maker Faire KC in 15 mins! But cool!

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