Plans for a Business Contest That Involves 3D Printed Desserts


New Orleans Entrepreneur Week organizers have just announced an idea for a new business contest, one that is designed to find a business-minded entrepreneur with ideas for using a 3D printer to manufacture desserts for restaurants.

The chosen entrepreneur will receive a $10,000 ChefJet sugar printer from 3D Systems, a machine that is capable of printing in 25 flavors of sugar and in almost any design. The winner will also be challenged to develop a business around dessert production for New Orleans restaurants using the 3D printer.

An anonymous donor has agreed to purchase and donate the printer and 3D Systems will provide training for the winner. The selected winner will also be responsible for teaching others about 3D printing technology. The hope is that this contest and subsequent business venture will help related operations grow in the New Orleans area.

Hugh Evans, a New Orleans native and Vice President of Corporate Development and Ventures at 3D Systems, says this is a very exciting opportunity, one that is suited for New Orleans. “It belongs here,” Evans said. “This is a foodie town.”

The 3D printer will be ready to deliver in the summer, Evans said.

While the details for this contest have not yet been confirmed, the process of accepting applications for the contest and selecting a winner is expected to launch sometime between July and next year’s Entrepreneur Week.