Author Archives: Ronald Yu

About Ronald Yu

Ronald Yu is director and general counsel for Gilkron Limited. A US Patent Agent, he lectures at the University of Hong Kong on patent law and intellectual property (IP) and information technology (IT) and has written extensively on IP, IT and constitutional law as well as digital forensics. He is a contributor to the upcoming 3rd edition of the book Electronic Evidence by Stephen Mason.
A 3D printer from Wuhan Binhu.

3D Printing in China, a reality check

It would be dangerous to assume that China (or other countries) do not understand 3D printing technology and its potential benefits simply because China’s market for 3D printing has not developed in the same way as the West.

3d printing trademark issues

War or peace?

We continue on the subject of 3D printing and intellectual property, picking up in the discussion between Donnie Designer, a producer of expensive accessories, and his advisor, Manny Lawsuits.

conflicting ideas

Copy is a four letter word

Ronald Yu continues with his series on how 3D printing fits into the world of Intellectual Property Rights. In this piece, he delves into copyrights.

Intellectual property 3d printing

An Introduction to IPRs (finally)

Ronald Yu continues in his series on intellectual property and 3D printing, by proving an introduction to the various intellectual property rights.