Discovery Channel features the giant D-Shape 3D printer

We’ve written about the gigantic, 3D printer, D-Shape, several times on our pages. Two of the articles worth reading for anyone that loves things done BIG are The Man Who Prints Houses and D-Shape prints the Rygo, the largest 3D print in America. Now the Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet show has caught up with the company, founded by inventor and visionary Enrico Dini, and two days ago broadcast a piece on him, the D-Shape and Bathsheba Grossman’s beautiful model, the Rgyo.

A little background on Enrico: He calls himself a “stone alchemist,” and has created a 3D printing method that can mimic how rock forms under the seabed. Using his robotics expertise and his stone alchemy, he can print very large structures. And, he can overcome the structural limitations of traditional design methods that constrict the shapes and forms one can build.

Enjoy the show:

h/t: solidsmack