Category: Business


A New Name in 3D Micro Printing

We have seen micro-printing in the 3D space before, including tiny batteries and circuit boards.  These have all been single focus projects, until now.  A new partnership has been announced by that could mean…


The Dangers of Recycled 3D Printing

We have previously reported about the potential dangers of 3D printing, but new questions have emerged about the safety of 3D print recycling and the viability of recycling old 3D prints. Anyone who runs a…


3D Printing Service Provider Potomac Photonics Expands

After 30 years on the DC Beltway, Potomac Photonics announces they are moving their Digital Fabrication facility to the new [email protected] high tech innovation center in Baltimore.  The increase in space is coupled with conference…

Figulo 3D printing

3D Systems Acquires 3D Ceramic Printing Serivce

Although some members of the 3D community have been shouting about the dangers of larger companies gobbling up smaller 3D printing businesses, the march to conglomeration continues.  It was announced today that the current 3D…